As we enter the last year of the first decade of the third millennium, it seems like it was just yesterday that we were at the dawn of Y2K. Then we had the big tech meltdown, along with what was the biggest tax cut in history. Here we are again with the start of another year and, in some ways, it feels like we have been here before. Let’s hope for new opportunities that will help us rise from the ashes of 2008 and make for a better 2009.
Roger captures some of the ViodiTV highlights of 2008 in this brief montage of video clips from many of the events we attended this past year. Thanks to Roger for capturing and editing these clips. And thanks to all of the sponsors, who helped make this possible; Badger Communications, Entone, Genesis Technical Systems, HEM Productions, Innovative Systems, Martin Group, NeoNova and Solarus.
An Academic Book with a Populist Title – Useful for Anyone Interested in Pricing or Its Effects
What has become a tradition for the first issue of the Viodi View in the New Year is a book review. The book “Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies” is an academic title wrapped in a populist title. It provides insight into a variety of pricing mysteries, such as the price of popcorn at the movies, why so many prices end with “9” and the economics of rebates. Although what Richard McKenzie, Professor of Enterprise and Society in Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California of Irvine, has written is fundamentally an economic text book, it is useful for anyone involved in pricing a product. Click here to read the rest of the review.
A Broadband Stimulus – A Chance for Something to Pass in Short Order?
Last Week’s Wall Street Journal had a good article on the prospects for a near-term broadband stimulus plan. The article referenced a Free Press proposal for a 3 year, $44 Billion broadband stimulus plan. This plan just might have a chance, as it has elements that equipment vendors could embrace and incumbent carriers would like. For instance, the plan ties closely to OPASTCO’s point that there is an intrinsic link between video and broadband deployment. Click here to read more.
photo credit: Daquella manera
And the Independent Telcos Suggest Stimulus
Further reinforcing the idea that a broadband stimulus may be happening sooner rather than later and that it will involve rural telcos, OPASTCO released a letter written to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid outlining their proposal in a white paper. This white paper, authored by the Digital Policy Institute, an independent think tank at Ball State University, suggests immediate build-out of a minimum of 25 Mb/s to 5.9 million rural homes through the use of one-time grants as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. Click here to read more.
Will Cisco Succeed in the Consumer Electronics Business? by Alan Weissberger
Cisco is thought of as a successful network equipment vendor selling switches and routers to enterprise customers and service providers. The company also sells (Linksys) WiFi routers and (Scientific Atlanta) set top boxes for use within homes. Sensing a new opportunity, the company now wants to make significant inroads in the digital home based entertainment market. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Are LTE and mobile WiMAX really 4G networks? A look at ITU-R IMT Advanced attributes by Alan Weissberger
There have been several recent articles comparing and contrasting LTE vs. mobile WiMAX as potential 4G network technologies. Indeed, SPRINT and Clearwire have been marketing their WiMAX offering as a 4G service. But is it really 4G? Is LTE a 4G technology? What about ultra-wideband? Click here to read the rest of the post.
Some Upcoming Events
- NTCA’s Wireless Symposium starts today in Austin.
- CES – there is a chance Ken will be there with coverage
- OPASTCO’s Winter Convention, Jan 17 to 21st – it looks we won’t be there in person, but will be there in spirit and promotional video
- NTCA, Feb 8-11 – Long Beach, great location and easy to get to for us left coasters
- CalCom – Supplier’s Tech Expo, NEW DATE, 2/24 to 2/26
- Minnesota Telecom Alliance Annual Convention, March 2nd-March 4th
The Korner – And the Grand Prize Goes To…….
As reported last month, Roger Bindl submitted a video to a Kraft video contest. One of the cool things about the Kraft contest is that Roger did not have to give up any rights to his video. This was a wise move by Kraft, as it opened up the contest to a more professional set of contestants. And congratulations to Roger, as he won the Grand Prize and a thousand dollars for his video submission!
Happy New Year!