A Brief Conversation with FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai
No one can seemingly escape those annoying robocalls, not even the Chair of the FCC, Ajit Pai. In the above interview, Pai indicates that robocalls are his agency’s top consumer protection priority as indicated by the record fines levied against violators (e.g. this $120M fine).
He also provides a brief overview of the technical effort to eradicate these unwanted calls. He praises the efforts of ACA members in their assistance with the industry-led Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority. Central to this effort is the creation of a secure digital certificate system that ensures the identity of a caller; a sort of SPAM filter for phone calls except that this authentication system should prevent the calls from ever being placed onto the network.
Pivoting to a different topic, Pai explains why he was recently on stage with one of his sports’ heroes from his youth, NBA Hall of Famer Dominique Wilkins. His relationship with Wilkins began over Twitter (see this short Twitter video from Pai and Wilkins on their work together). He and Wilkins both have a passion for using telemedicine to help improve healthcare outcomes for people living in rural and other areas that are health-care deserts.*
Wilkins was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes a year after retiring from professional basketball. He has been actively managing his disease since then and, as seen in this article, believes that technology is part of the answer. Broadband provides the link that ties the technology to the patient and the medical professionals. Pai lauds ACA members for their efforts in bringing broadband to parts of rural America that would otherwise be on the wrong side of the digital divide.

*An example of a product that could be used for telemedicine and that could make a huge difference in the health and educational outcomes for people of all ages, particularly in rural areas, is the eye-tracking device, that uses machine learning to provide a high-level, early diagnosis of disease or learning challenges, described in this video The Eye as a Window Into Health and Well-Being (YouTube).
ACA Connects Summit coverage brought to you by the ACA and ViodiTV.
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