Viodi View – 11/27/19

Give thanks with a grateful heart says the song and one can’t be anything but grateful while watching the rain fall on the parched soil of the Valley of the Heart’s Delight. This is just a drop in a bucket of the blessings and opportunities given to this author on this Thanksgiving eve. Another blessing for this author has been 17-years of publishing the Viodi View, which has helped maintain and expand connections within the telecom industry and provided a vehicle for meeting new friends in different technology segments. One example of branching out is the following interview with a friend who once described himself as a space cadet for his work on Apollo 11.

Two Peas in a PodCar – Brief Overview of Podcar City 2019

A collage of images from Podcar City 2019.
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It is important to build autonomous transportation systems that meet the needs of individuals while reducing congestion and pollution by sharing vehicles is the message from Princeton Professor Dr. Alain Kornhauser. Reflecting on day one of the Podcar City 2019 Conference, Kornhauser emphasized that whether these systems are on existing roadways or, in some cases, guideways, automating the driver promises to reduce the cost of mobility and improve safety.

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A Mobility on Demand Service Designed for All People

A collage of images from ProspectSV's November 2019 ACES event.
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Imagine a mobility service that offers on-demand, door-to-door capability for all citizens, regardless of physical ability. Gary Miksell, Chief Innovation/Technical Officer of VTA, Silicon Valley’s transit and congestion agency, has been imagining that scenario and has begun putting the pieces in place to test such an approach in a real-world setting at the campus of the Veteran’s Hospital in Palo Alto.

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A Marriage of Marketing & Technology

Carl Russo talking about a customer-centric approach to business.
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One of the key takeaways from Calix’s 2019 ConneXions is the marriage of technology and marketing, according to Bernie Arnason, Principal with the Pivot Group. One might say this marriage has been formalized with Calix’s Go to Market Partner program, which Pivot Group is one of the certified partners. From a technology perspective, it is the extraction of and the presentation of network data that allows marketers to understand the needs of their customers. In a sense, this allows what those in the world of physical products would call “mass customization”.

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Will AB 5 Drive Technology Consultants Out of California?

The CNSV meeting about AB5, which could drive technology contracting professionals out of California.
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Will the recently passed AB 5 drive independent IT contractors, engineers, and software engineers from California to other states? That is a potential outcome that Russ Harrison, Director of Government Relations of IEEE-USA, suggests in the above interview filmed at the conclusion of a Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV) event on this topic. He suggests the vagueness and inconsistencies of the law are creating uncertainty for employers and contractors.

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Some Tweets and Short Thoughts:

  • The Village – Fostering youth through community – brilliant idea and great plan to make it happen
  • Fiber integrated as part of the pavement; this might be of interest to @NCTCtweets members and it is in your own backyard, I mean streets 🙂
  • Alternative viewing to Thanksgiving football; the video of the forum where FCC Chair Ajit Pai proposes shifting 45 MHz of spectrum from V2V use to an expanded 5.8 GHz Wi-Fi band. He uses the World Series champion Washington Nationals as a metaphor for the approach he is proposing to optimize spectrum use and automotive safety.
  • @halfonJesse “‘Kids and recreation will be to the car bundle as live sports is to the TV bundle: the enduring, critical function that keeps the bundle together for a long time.’ Interesting thoughts on un/re/cross-bundling the car by @alex_danco

Importance of Investing in Your Community #Summit26

Italia Commisso shares her secrets to business success.
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“We are truly Americana,” says Italia Commisso, EVP, Programming & Human Resources of Mediacom. As a cable industry veteran prior to being a co-founder of Mediacom with her brother Rocco Commisso, Italia understands that the investment in infrastructure is even larger than connecting individuals and businesses to the Internet. That is, their capital investments are inherently local and reflect an investment in the communities, which tend to be rural and small towns, they serve.

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Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor





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