The Adjustable High-Beam and More #CES2019

Improving vehicle headlights for people will also improve the ability of autonomous vehicles to navigate the road. Kishore Ahuja, Senior Vice President of North American Light, Inc, discusses and shows how they are creating headlights that dynamically and automatically react to its environment (e.g. automatic brightness/dimming) and adjusts to the contours of the road (swivels to ensure that light is optimally illuminating the road ahead).

Along with better lighting, they are beginning to integrate and hide various sensors (e.g. radar, lidar) that will allow for the automation of driving. When the driver is eventually removed, Ahuja alludes to the importance of using lights as a way to communicate to pedestrians and bicyclists. He alludes to SAE standardization efforts (see J3134_201905)  on this important human-machine interface.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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