More Time for Lounging – Thanks to a Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner #CES2023

Summer is here and, for some of those fortunate enough to have a pool, it means the never-ending battle to keep it clean of bugs, dirt, and other foreign objects. Enter Aiper with its series of cordless, robotic underwater vacuums designed to keep the floors and sides of a pool clean with minimal human effort.

Brent Korner, Aiper Sales Director for North America, explains that this battery-run device cleans about 95% of a pool and lasts up to 3 hours on one charge. When it is ready for a recharge it plants itself by a wall and waits for retrieval by its owner using a pole with a hook. It takes about 2.5 hours to recharge. While it is out of the water, one empties a basket to remove any of the debris it sucked up while doing its job.

As it is cordless, there are no hoses or connections to the pool, as is the case with older pool vacuums. Unlike non-robotic pool vacuums, it uses WavePath™ navigation technology to plan its route to ensure complete coverage. Korner describes this mapping technology as an “underwater GPS.”

To meet various needs and price points, Aiper has three versions of this autonomous cleaning helper: the Seagull SE, Seagull Plus, and the Seagull Pro.  Korner suggests that the Seagull Pro, with its quad motors, can clean a pool as big as 4,300 square feet. This more than exceeds what is needed for a backyard pool, and, by this author’s estimation, will easily meet the needs of a typical private community pool.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor





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  1. […] The Korner – More Time for Lounging – Thanks to a Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner #CES2023 […]

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