Tag: adas
Improving Driving Today, While Building an Autonomous-Driving Future #CES2020
Using only the camera and processing power of an iPhone, Phiar overlays directions on a live video shown on a driver’s smartphone display. The Phiar solution also identifies objects, people, lane-markers, and more. Potential features of the Phiar app include lane departure warning and collision warning. Founder and CEO, Chen-Pin Yu explains that they had…
Human Factors in Automation, DSRC vs. CV2X, Safety Leader & Market Leader – an Impromptu Mini-Panel
An impromptu mini-panel blossoms in front of Viodi’s video camera at the World Safety Summit on Autonomous Technology, as Princeton’s Dr. Alain Kornhauser leads a discussion with Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology for the U.S. Department of Transportation. As with all conferences, some of the best learnings and tidbits are discovered…
Viodi View – 01/10/12
Connections, not only the name of one of my favorite PBS TV shows and industry conferences, but it is hopefully something the Viodi View and ViodiTV helps facilitate for its readers and viewers. And just like the TV show from so long ago, it is neat to look back and see how the path from…