Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment

Keep on Trucking With Automation #AVS17

With the headlines screaming the potential loss of millions of jobs, one of the more timely panels at Automated Vehicle Symposium 2017 (AVS17) was on the impact of autonomy on the trucking industry. Richard Bishop of Bishop Consulting, led a panel at AVS17 that brought together a broad swath of the trucking ecosystem, including one of […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment

The Maturation of the Autonomous Vehicle Space

Reflecting upon the comments and insight from this week’s Automated Vehicle Symposium 2017, the automated vehicle space feels like the Video on Demand space did a couple of decades ago. The technology wizards are making great progress and its obvious the industry is maturing because there are multiple companies addressing both mainstream challenges, as well […]