Tag: broadcasters
Viodi View – 11/18/17
Inspired by the inaugural TelcoTV, the Viodi View was launched 15 years ago this month. Much has changed since then, although, in many ways, rudimentary services, such as MovieLink, were a precursor to the ongoing shift to the Internet for almost everything. The focus on meeting and being responsive to the needs of the customer…
TIA Forecasts 3.1 Percent Loss for ICT Industry in 2009- Broadband still THE growth driver for telecom
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), whose primary membership is network equipment vendors, has just released its annual report and outlook for the global telecommunications industry. For the first time in its 23 years of forecasting, TIA predicts a 3.1 % loss for the global ICT Industry in 2009. Further, they anticipate a 5.5 % decline for 2009 US ICT…
New apps and smart phones to drive demand for 4G mobile networks
We now believe that smart phones and "all-in-one" gadgets will drive the need for more bandwidth and QOS and accelerate mobile network movement to 3.5G (EVDO, HSPA, mobile WiMAX, etc) and 4G (LTE and Advanced WiMAX- IEEE 802.16m). UK research firm Mobile Squared reports that Apple to hit 1 billion app downloads on April 23rd! Please see:…
Telecom Council panel session: Update on U.S. Broadband Policy
Abstract: In a lively Telecom Council panel session sponsored by AT&T, seven industry executives discussed the ramifications for the U.S. government’s stimulus package and federal budget proposal as related to broadband policy. The sober and candid assessments offered a realistic view at what is involved in building out broadband, particularly using wireless technology, to underserved…
An Unhealthy Industry: Telecom reports indicate continued contraction in revenues and growth
Having just analyzed recent reports from telecom companies, we conclude that the telecom recession/ depression continues. Revenues are falling way short of expectation, growth is limited to mobile data, and profits are minuscule with the exception of Verizon (VZ). But even at VZ, the growth seems to be coming almost entirely from new wireless data…