Tag: buzzword

  • Viodi View – 02/18/2009

    Do something to change the world and you will make a difference. That was more or less the message that I heard from Steve Farberat NTCA’s 2009 Annual Meeting and Expo in Long Beach. CA last week. It was somewhat timely when, a few days later, a friend described how he is trying to change…

  • Back to the Future – Software as a Service & Managed Services

    Software as a Service (SaaS) is a popular Web 2.0 buzzword. It struck me at NTCA’s panel, Software as a Service: Creating New Revenue Channels, that Independent Telcos have been providing a sort of Software as a Service, really a Managed Service since their inception. Independent Telcos are starting to add on Software as a…

  • Battle of the Virtual & Actual Desktop

    As discussed in an earlier issue of the Viodi View, Google, Adobe and Microsoft are increasingly crowding into each other’s traditional spaces.   Recent product offerings from Google and Adobe provide more evidence of this trend. Google documents are available now in both online and off-line versions.  They automatically synchronize to the online version and tracks…