Tag: electric car

  • Is This Mini-Mobility Solution Really a Packet Bus? #CES2020

    Is This Mini-Mobility Solution Really a Packet Bus? #CES2020

    A bus that dynamically changes size is one way to think about Kiwee’s two-person vehicles. These electric vehicles are designed to be coupled to improve throughput in denser areas and then go there own way to the less dense areas where there typically wouldn’t be bus coverage. From a rider perspective, the experience is similar…

  • The 48 Volt Electric Car #CES2018

    The 48 Volt Electric Car #CES2018

    In this interview, Daniel Benchetrite, North American Powertrain New Mobility Director for Valeo, describes a new electric powertrain based on 48 volts DC that they have designed for a new, sub $10k car. Initially intended for the Chinese market, but with aspirations for the U.S., it is not lacking in features: 60 MPH and 60…

  • Putting Fun in the Utility Vehicle #CES2018

    Putting Fun in the Utility Vehicle #CES2018

    Mark Frohnmayer wants to make ‘fun” part of the daily commute with the introduction of the Arcimoto FUV (Fun Utility Vehicle). In the above interview, Frohnmayer, Arcimoto President and Founder, provides an update to his 2016 ViodiTV interview, as he explains how they have gone from start-up to publicly traded company with a manufacturing plant in…

  • Viodi View – 06/16/17

    Viodi View – 06/16/17

    Today’s Wall Street Journal provides an excellent overview of the challenges that many parts of rural America faces because of the lack of broadband connectivity. Co-Mo, highlighted in that article, is an excellent example of out-of-the box thinking that will be necessary to make broadband ubiquitous. This ViodiTV interview with the banker that helped Co-Mo…

  • Viodi View – 05/27/14

    Viodi View – 05/27/14

    Beware of the Unseen Competitor was a title of an article written many years ago that warned broadband operators of the rise of competitors from completely different market sectors. Of course, it is the Internet and the intelligence of the things that helps turn products into mere features and brings in competition from seemingly disparate industries. In the Korner below,…