Tag: optical networking
NSN Exits Optical Network Business; Who will be the last optical network vendor(s) standing?
Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is selling its optical networking business unit to private investment firm Marlin Equity Partners, a Los Angeles-based private investment firm with over $1bn of capital under management. The new company intends to operate as “an industry leader in the fragmented optical networking sector.” This transaction is another step in the transformation of…
Infonetics: Carriers Making Major Push to OTN; PMC Sierra sees healthy OTN growth during next 5 years
Infonetics Research says optical network providers are making a major push to the Optical Transport Network (OTN) for metro, long haul and ultra long haul transmision. Until now, carriers have mostly used SONET/SDH for optical transport but that seems about to change in a big way. Infonetics interviewed telcos in North America, Asia Pacific, EMEA,…