Tag: research
Paving the Way to an Autonomous Future
Apollo 11 is a distant memory in the rear view mirror of life for those old enough to remember the glory days of America’s space program. It was a privilege then to meet someone who was involved with that historic program. Space, however, was not the final frontier for Dr. Alain Kornhauser, a Princeton Professor of Operations…
Highlights of “How Google Works” at the Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley
Introduction: Google is well-known for its unique philosophy, culture and innovative spirit. From Android smart phones/tablets, wearable devices to self-driving cars, Google continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with technology. On October 2, 2014, Eric Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman and Former CEO, joined co-author and Google Advisor Jonathan Rosenberg to discuss “How Google…
Computer History Museum Event Summary: “The Idea Factory” – Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
Introduction On March 28, 2012, author Jon Gertner was interviewed at the Computer History Museum (CHM) by KQED’s Dave Iverson about his new book, “The Idea Factory,” which chronicles the history of AT&T Bell Labs. Mr. Gertner told this author he had spent three solid years researching and gathering information for his most recent book. During the…