Tag: success
Peter Thiel – the Ultimate Enigma- at Commonwealth Club Event
Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, VC/hedge fund manager and author of Zero to One, was interviewed by NY Times’ Quentin Hardy on Sept 30, 2014 at the Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley event in Santa Clara, CA. While I agreed with several things Mr. Thiel said, he seems to be a man of many contradictions. Hardy…
Abolishing the Fear of Failure- Do What You’re Afraid to Do!
Introduction: On June 26th, Stanford Education & Psychology Professor John D. Krumboltz told a sold out Commonwealth Club-Silicon Valley audience to “stop being afraid of failure. Learn to accept and even enjoy it,” he said in his opening remarks. Prof Krumboltz is the co-author of the book, Fail Fast, Fail Often- How Losing Can Help…