Tag: The Real Case for Driverless Mobility

  • The Real Reason for Driverless Vehicles – A Brief Book Review

    The Real Reason for Driverless Vehicles – A Brief Book Review

    The reason to implement driverless technology is to improve mobility for those with limited transportation options. In a nutshell, that is what authors, Alain Kornhauser and Michael Sena argue in their recently published book, The Real Case for Driverless Mobility.  Sena and Kornhauser make the case that providers of driverless mobility should focus on those…

  • In the Driverless Seat with Dr. Kornhauser

    In the Driverless Seat with Dr. Kornhauser

    Giving people rides who need rides is the message of the book, The Real Case for Driverless Mobility. That is, there is a large segment of the population that cannot engage in, as the book co-author, Alain Kornhauser, calls it, “A do-it-yourself approach to transportation.” Kornhauser argues that the opportunity for companies promoting driverless mobility…