• Spectrum 2020 – Licensed by Rule

    Spectrum 2020 – Licensed by Rule

    The idea of a rule-based approach to spectrum management was a recurring topic at the WCA’s Spectrum 2020 event. Although the theme of this year’s panel was unlicensed wireless, much of the focus was on an innovative approach to spectrum management that relies on rules and machines to dynamically harmonize the usage and ensure maximum…

  • Microsoft requests FCC to use TV White Spaces for Restoration of wireless communications in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

    Microsoft requests FCC to use TV White Spaces for Restoration of wireless communications in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

    Last week Microsoft asked the FCC for Special Temporary Authority to use TV white spaces (TVWS) to restore communications in areas of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria.  (See Backgrounder below for more information). The desktop software and cloud computing giant filed an amendment to add the U.S.…

  • Viodi View – 06/09/14

    Viodi View – 06/09/14

    Wayne Gretzky’s quote of, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been,” has become an oft-used metaphor in presentations in the telecom world. An important point, not mentioned in his quote, is to be aware of the external factors that could the alter the path of that puck (e.g.…

  • Viodi View – 02/25/14

    Viodi View – 02/25/14

    That a 55 person company with probably no physical infrastructure can have the approximate market capitalization of one of the Baby Bells (an outdated term, no doubt) is another indicator of our new hyper-productive era where a small team can do what would have taken thousands in years past. The FCC’s IP Transition Order: What Do the…