Tag: Vertiport

  • Whisk Over the Traffic Jams & Beyond

    Whisk Over the Traffic Jams & Beyond

    With seemingly daily announcements (e.g. yesterday’s Joby/Delta home to airport press release) about electric aviation, particularly electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL), it is easy to believe that we are at the peak of inflated expectations for this mode of travel. Underlying the public proclamations, glitzy graphics, and slick video animations, there are thousands of…

  • Viodi View – 03/13/20

    Viodi View – 03/13/20

    A silver lining from Coronavirus may be a resurgence in civic duty; doing things for the greater good not because one is forced to do so, but because it is the right thing to do. The famous words of President Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can…

  • A Top 100 Airport Equivalent on 3-Acres – Vertiport of the Future

    A Top 100 Airport Equivalent on 3-Acres – Vertiport of the Future

    With a throughput of 4.8 million passengers, the vertiport modeled by Darrell Swanson, a consultant for Swanson Aviation, Ltd., would serve as many people on only a three-acre footprint as a traditional airport covering hundreds of acres. Of course, this isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison as, although both serve as an interface between terrestrial and sky-based…