Tag: youtube
Viodi View – 06/15/2009
The week before last, Roger Bindl and I had a chance to document innovations and innovative ideas at Parks Associates’ Connections Conference. The fun thing about the Connections Conference is that it spans different disciplines and the mix of speakers last week included folks from sectors such as telecommunications, energy, consumer electronics and entertainment. Mitch…
Obscenity on ABC, Advertising on PBS, H.R. 6320 – Regulation of Broadband TV on the Horizon?
The inspiration for this article was a decision a few months ago by the FCC to slap a huge fine on ABC Affiliates for violating obscenity rules in airing an episode of “NYPD”. The FCC Order, although extremely descriptive about the nudity, sparked my curiosity. "………The camera shot includes a full view of her buttocks…
Better Quality YouTube Videos
Some real good tips for embedding higher quality YouTube videos on a web site can be found at this link: http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Watch_Higher_Quality_YouTube_Videos There are several methods, but this one seems to be good for quickly modifying older posts Add &fmt=18 to the URL of the video and it will look for a higher resolution version, if…