Category: Roger Bindl

  • OTT movies equal VOD with more gardens to pick from

    OTT movies equal VOD with more gardens to pick from

    Sometimes I think about keeping thoughts to myself as they often conflict with what people want to hear or contradict what they believe and then I feel bad and then it happens and then the cycle repeats So here we are at the refresh of another cycle. I’m about to feel bad. Over-the-top progressed faster…

  • Motion Pictures at 4G World

    The last half of the 1800s brought pictures "to life" with the zoopraxiscope, kinetoscope, and the vitascope. These were the early days of moving pictures and Cinematographe. The "Wheel of Life" Zoopraxiscope PD Image from Wikipedia – view synchronization by Roger Although simple and presumably unrelated, the photo flip book below made me realize how…

  • History of Telecom DVD

    History of Telecom DVD

    ADVERTISEMENT Order copies of this 100 year anniversary documentary on the history of telecommunications in Wisconsin from Marianne Mullis at the WSTA. Price is $30 and includes highlights from the 100 year convention and past conferences. The twelve minute documentary begins with the first telephones in Wisconsin. They were much like other phone lines across…

  • Sarah K. Noonan Didn’t Exist

    Sarah, as described in her Facebook account was 27, attractive, a Democrat, and in a complicated relationship. She had more than 480 friends, yet no one really knew her. Sarah K. Noonan was a fake. She did not exist. This phony Facebook account was created by an advertising agency as a test. The agency was…

  • CTA with Global Reach and Local Presence

    "My people are stretched to the limit…" Sound familiar? We've never had so many ways to connect, yet it's harder to feel connected. Do you feel that way? Are you an enabler, a catalyst, or feel like a bump in the road? Sometimes it's good to get new perspectives and I got a few last…

  • Sponsor Message – Friends of Viodi Save $395 at BBP Summit

    Save $395 off the $895 registration fee at Broadband Properties Summit 2010 as a reader of Viodi View and Friend of Viodi. Join ViodiTV, as we cover this event with video interviews and highlights on the hotel TV channel and streaming on-line after the event. Follow these links for more details on the Summit and…