Category: Conferences
TechExpo Home Coming
SCTE’s TechExpo may be the only thread that links the grand conferences of the past, such as the National and Western Cable shows, with the present and future. The excitement and buzz of the show floor had the feel of those conferences from the days of yore. As much as a show like TechExpo is…
A New Spin On Rideshare and Carshare -#SDC2022
As 2022 ends, autonomous technology which lowers the costs of and improves the quality of mobility is still just a promise. Fundamentally, technology must serve the needs of those who will use a given mobility solution. By starting with humans at the center of its efforts, Carolina RIDES+ is providing a foundation for understanding how…
Removing Roadblocks for Others – Stephen Still
Stephen Still’s memorial to Heyward Patterson at the 5th Annual SmartDrivingCars Summit provided a tragic example of why better mobility options are needed for the people in countless neighborhoods and regions of the U.S. As background, Heyward Patterson was the so-called jitney driver providing rides to the grocery store for people in Buffalo without a…
A Drive to Be the New Blood Drive
Connecting volunteer drivers to seniors and others who need rides is the ultimate goal of America’s Volunteer Driver Center, explains Katherine Freund in the above interview. Speaking at the 5th Annual Princeton SmartDrivingCars Summit, Freund, Founder and President of the non-profit ITNAmerica, points to World War II Red Cross blood drives as the inspiration for…
Rehabilitation Instead of Demolition
Mayor Reed Gusciora describes a program (PDF) that offers Trenton residents the opportunity for upward mobility while providing them a better place to live. At the same time, the creation of local jobs and blight reduction benefits the community. Speaking at the Mayor Donnelley Homes at the opening of the 5th Annual Princeton SmartDrivingCars Summit,…
My Dream Is to Rebuild the City
[Added 1/7/22 – Here is a link to an excellent story regarding Vanessa’s progress and her hope of having 100 more homes like hers renovated in 2023]. With a vision to rebuild Trenton, Vanessa Solivan is a pioneer in a Trenton program that has a double goal of reducing blight while providing a path to…