Category: Silicon Valley History
A College Job and Its Impact on the Direction of Ethernet
It is a given that Ethernet is a fundamental building block of today’s Internet. From local area networks in the 1980s to cable modems in the 1990s to today’s fiber-to-the-home and WiFi networks, Ethernet is a common thread in the evolution of broadband.1 But would there have been a thread if not for the insight…
Sonus to acquire Network Equipment Technologies for $41.3M- a fraction of 1987 IPO price!
Author’s Note: This news item caught my eye, because NET was a rising star in the late 1980’s datacom world. They were a leader in T1 Multiplexers from 1987 and an innovative provider of ATM and IP network equipment in the 1990s. The company re-invented itself several times, but never regained the momentum it built up over 25…
Ethernet Extensions via a Bandwidth Transport Application Overlay
These are photos of a white paper written by Bill Brotherton, Richard Murphy and Ken Pyle when they were at Raynet, an early developer of Fiber in the Loop technology, equipment and processes. This white paper was published at part of the June 1993 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference proceedings. (This post was created 11/15/2014).