Better Capital Utilization Leads to More Sustainable Living – #InnovationandImpact
“You need to know where to look to understand what those dynamics are, what the physics of that movement of the puck is,” says Gil Friend, Chair of Natural Logic, Inc. and Founder of Critical Path Capital. Reflecting on Wayne Gretzky’s classic wisdom about adjusting to the future, in the above interview, Friend suggests that…
Next Generation Shared Transport in Las Vegas and Beyond #CES2018
Will shared rides be part of the future of autonomous vehicles? Navya believes the answer is yes, as autonomous, connected, electric and shared was the premise behind their demonstrations at International CES2018. Since late 2017, Navya has been supplying the vehicles for the AAA-sponsored, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada and Keolis North America (Keolis)-operated…
Once in a Generation Opportunity
A once in a generation opportunity is how Stefan Heck characterizes the changes to the built-environment, thanks to ACES. ACES – Autonomous, Connected, Electrified and Shared – is the acronym that Heck – CEO and Co-Founder, NAUTO, and Consulting Professor, Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University – invented to describe the convergence of different technologies that will transform…
Past, Present & the FUTURE of Cars
There once was a conference (PDF) where experts tried to find a solution to the increasing problem of congestion, pollution and the associated ill-effects of the transportation system. The attendees didn’t find a solution and it looked like modern civilization was headed in the wrong direction. It was the 1890s and the solution, of course, which the…