Tag: Blockchain

  • Viodi View – 12/28/21

    The theme of CES2022 is “Beyond the everyday”. Although the intent of that sentence probably has to do with the impact of different technologies, in 2022 this statement could mean the idea of being around 150k+ conference-goers. It will definitely be a back to the future experience. At least this interviewer will have a limited-edition…

  • Viodi View – 11/30/21

    Viodi View – 11/30/21

    This is not a new insight, but it seems like there are many opportunities for efficiency gains in the healthcare sector. It is more than efficiency and quality improvements as the overall experience, particularly the in-hospital experience, is lacking. Granted, the healthcare system is a labyrinth of regulations, processes, and vested interests that make change…

  • Viodi View – 09/29/21

    Teacher: Johnny, use the words rug and Lamborgini in a sentence. Crypto Student: I was rugged before I could buy a Lambo. To outsiders (and probably some insiders) the cryptocurrency industry seems like a giant casino. As with the early days of the Internet, there are businesses based on hype, instead of substance. Still, the…

  • Viodi View – 08/10/21

    Viodi View – 08/10/21

    “A once in a generation bill” is how R. Richard Geddes, a non-resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, characterizes the just passed infrastructure bill by the U.S. Senate (WSJ). This statement echoes comments made by trade association CEOs interviewed at the recent Fiber Connect 2021 conference. The details remain to be seen, particularly as…

  • Broadband Built Block-by-Block by Blockchain – Part 2 – 5G

    Broadband Built Block-by-Block by Blockchain – Part 2 – 5G

    “What Helium has created in this blockchain is truly a unique incentive. That is, the only incentive of its kind that can start a wireless network creation model without a lot of money. It is pretty cheap and simple to do. And, that hasn’t been done before…..It is something that can apply to all wireless…

  • Viodi View – 07/10/21

    Bridging the Access and Adoption Gaps One takeaway from the recent ACA Connects’ webinar is whatever the final form of the infrastructure bill, there probably will not be enough funding to bring broadband everywhere. Adoption of broadband for those who either can’t afford it or don’t see a use for it may prove to be…