Tag: caf
Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands to receive up to $77 million from FCC to restore communications
Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are in line to receive up to $77 million from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to restore communications after hurricane Maria made most of the island(s) go dark (PDF). The agency voted unanimously Wednesday October 4th to earmark the funds to help restore communications services on the island(s). The…
Viodi View – 11/06/15
It was a simple question from a Viodi View reader, “What are you going to write about the conference?” I had been so busy filming videos for others that I hadn’t given much thought to all the buzz I had heard. I figured I better get a couple of interviews, which I could play on ViodiTV. Still,…
Viodi View – 05/08/15
The Internet of Things is the next step along a path where technology is woven into our every moment and into our very being. Even the simpler things in life, like fishing, are not immune to the invasion of connected sensing and intelligence that we are seeing in formerly mundane devices. Skip to the Korner to read about…
Viodi View – 08/09/2014
“High speed and reliable broadband is becoming as essential as water and electricity,” to paraphrase what I heard last week from a general manager of a provider that offers all three of those services. I have had many opportunities to reflect on those comments, as my travels since then took me to the Southwestern U.S.…
TC3 Part 2: Likely Strategic Goals for Next FCC Chairman; Obstacles Ahead
Introduction This is the second article covering the Telecom Council’s annual TC3 summit. The first article covered start-up company value propositions and the SPIFFY Award Winners. This piece is entirely devoted to likely FCC policies and obstacles faced in achieving their goals and objectives. Steve Augustino of Kelley Drye & Warren law firm presented an…
Viodi View – 07/27/12
Is there a rainbow peeking out of the clouds that points to a brighter day or do today’s clouds lead to a fog bank of chaos? Although there is a great deal of uncertainty in the telecom space, which is manifesting itself through cautious capital expenditures, two things are clear; improving efficiency of operations and finding new…