Tag: Connected Cars

  • Electrifying Mobility in Communications, Transport & Smart Cities #CES2018

    Electrifying Mobility in Communications, Transport & Smart Cities #CES2018

    The “C” in this year’s CES2018 could have easily stood for “cars”, as vehicles from a variety of new entities as well as established players, were seemingly everywhere at CES2018. And it is much more than cars, as the vehicles ranged from personal transport to delivery to shared. The impact of the technologies go beyond…

  • Always on Connectivity and Implications to Mobility

    Always on Connectivity and Implications to Mobility

    Online connectivity is changing the nature of vehicles from transportation-centric to connected mobility hubs. This connectivity leads to a treasure trove of valuable data about the people in these connected vehicles. This data may become more valuable that the actual transport function of future vehicles.

  • Viodi View – 09/17/16

    Viodi View – 09/17/16

    What should the role of telecom providers be in the so-called Internet of Things? @GoFarley inspired that question with his Tweet about Verizon’s aggressive push into the “Things” part of the Internet. Is being the central nervous system of IoT enough or should a provider extend beyond the telecom network to be the brains (e.g.…

  • Picking the Swiftest Way to Travel

    Picking the Swiftest Way to Travel

    Lack of information represents friction to an economy and makes it less efficient than it could be. A source of friction for commuters is not knowing the fastest and most cost-efficient way to reach their destination. With new modes of transportation, such as on-demand ridesharing services and personal electric bikes and scooters, becoming mainstream, the need for timely information about routes…

  • 300 Gbytes of Data Per Month Per Car

    300 Gbytes of Data Per Month Per Car

    300 Gigabytes of data per month per car is what Cisco Systems projects when connected and autonomous vehicles.fill the roadways. Speaking at the TIA’s Connected Car Workshop and in the above interview at that event, Andreas Mai, Director of Smart Connected Vehicles for Cisco Systems, discusses the impact that this much connectivity will have on infrastructure, as well as the more nuanced…

  • Detroit or Silicon Valley?

    Detroit or Silicon Valley?

    Connecting vehicles to each other, to infrastructure, to other modes of transport and even pedestrians will be increasingly important, as in the future, traffic will include a mix of human and self-driving vehicles. There may not be consensus on when autonomous vehicles will be commonplace on the roads and highways of America, but one thing…