Tag: Connected Vehicles
1st Step towards Autonomous Trucking & Platooning
Two former Carnegie Melon faculty members, who happen to be brothers, discuss how they are taking a pragmatic approach of adding automation to long-haul trucking. Their company, Locomation, has come up with a package to upgrade an existing big rig that is simple as replacing a mirror with a new mirror assembly that includes of…
Detecting the Invisible Physical Attacks on Autonomous Driving #CES2019
While cyber attacks represent a potential Achilles heel for the success of autonomous vehicle software, spoofing and jamming via physical means could be another way for criminals to wreak havoc on the public. Enter Regulus Cyber, an Israeli-based company that is dedicated to ensuring GNSS (GPS) security from these external threats and researching how to…
From Vehicle Maker to Mobility Provider
Simple-to-use apps and connectivity are poised to disrupt the auto market, just as they have done to so many other markets. It is clear in this interview, filmed at International CES2107 with Jessica Robinson, Director of City Solutions for The Ford Motor Company, that Ford understands that, to adapt to the coming disruptions, mobility must…