Tag: India

  • Reality Check: WiMAX on Track to Cover One Billion by EOY 2011

    The WiMAX Forum claims that “WiMAX service providers around the globe today have networks covering more than 823 million people (or POPs) in approximately 149 countries and are on track to reach one billion POPs by the end of 2011. This estimate is a growth of 215 million POPs since December 2009 and surpasses the…

  • India’s 3G Auctions Finally Begin; BWA for TD-LTE or WiMAX?

    After many months of delay, India's 3G spectrum auction began today (April 9th) with major telecom operators, including Bharti, Vodafone, RCom and Tata competing to acquire the radio waves that could fetch the government up to Rs 35,000 crore. [Definition:  A crore (often abbreviated cr) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to ten million…

  • Viodi View – 05/08/09

             “Déjà vu’ all over again”, as Yogi Berra reportedly once said, is the term that describes today’s popular news events. The stagnant economy and, more importantly, consumer confidence seem reminiscence of the 70s. There is a definite tension in the air as we are waiting for the affects of the government spending…

  • 50K WiMAX Subscribers in India Before the Spectrum Auction- Number to Exceed 13 Million by 2013

    The Economic Times of India reports that Tata Communications (TCL) has signed up 50,000 subscribers for its fixed WiMAX service. TCL, earlier known as VSNL, had received WiMax spectrum in the 3.3 GHz band under its Internet Service Provider (ISP) licence with the Indian government.   Other Indian network operators- Bharti Airtel, Aircel, Sify and Reliance Communications…

  • Motorola, Alcatel-Lucent, Alvarion, and Huawei named top Mobile WiMAX vendors

    Infonetics Research recently surveyed carriers to determine the "top vendors" in the mobile WiMAX equipment market. The carriers chose Motorola, Alcatel-Lucent, Alvarion, and Huawei as the top four vendors. Nine additional vendors received votes for top WiMAX equipment vendor from a smaller number of carriers surveyed. The Infonetics report: Perception Is Everything: WiMAX Vendor Leadership…

  • Update on Mobile WiMAX- is it really mobile (or only for wireless fixed line access)?

    Over one year ago, I wrote an article titled: Will the real mobile WiMAX please stand up: http://www.viodi.com/newsletter/061000/article2.pdf The claim then was that IEEE 802.16e (AKA Mobile WiMAX) would be primarily used for fixed line BWA. Not much has changed in the last 18 months. Recently, there’ve been some encouraging announcements from Clearwire, Digital Bridge…