Tag: iphone

  • Improving Driving Today, While Building an Autonomous-Driving Future #CES2020

    Improving Driving Today, While Building an Autonomous-Driving Future #CES2020

    Using only the camera and processing power of an iPhone, Phiar overlays directions on a live video shown on a driver’s smartphone display. The Phiar solution also identifies objects, people, lane-markers, and more. Potential features of the Phiar app include lane departure warning and collision warning. Founder and CEO, Chen-Pin Yu explains that they had…

  • Viodi View – 05/28/13

    Viodi View – 05/28/13

    A New Use for an Old iPhone What to do with the some 50 million iPhones that were replaced last year; put them in a drawer, junk them, resell them? People Power provides an interesting approach to reusing these functionally good devices through its recently released People Power Presence. The above video overview with People Power’s CTO and co-founder,…

  • 3G Networks at the Breaking Point- and it can only get worse!

    iPhones Overload AT&T 3G Network, NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/03/technology/companies/03att.html?_r=2&hp Apple’s iPhone is a data guzzler. Owners use them like minicomputers, which they are, and use them a lot. Not only do iPhone owners download applications, stream music and videos and browse the Web at higher rates than the average smartphone user, but the average iPhone owner can…