Content Mutliscreen Video Regulatory

Copyright Act Exemption Might Finally Disrupt Retransmission Consent Regime

Non-profit’s app spreads to more markets, claiming an exemption in the Copyright Act allows it to offer consumers no-fee access to local signals. For years, multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs) of all sizes have seen retransmission consent fees render the subscription video market into a break-even prospect or money-losing business. As fees push up rates, […]


FCC Proposes to Extend DTV Viewability Rule for Cable Systems

[Editor’s Note:  Bob Primosch is a Partner with the communications law firm Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, Washington, D.C. (rprimosch at wbklaw dot com)] The FCC has issued a Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to consider whether it should continue enforcing its “DTV viewability rule” for cable television systems.  In addition, the FCC will consider whether certain […]