Tag: opastco

  • Viodi View – 07/24/20

    Viodi View – 07/24/20

    “You had to be there” is the worn-out phrase one hears from a storyteller after his story doesn’t quite get the reaction he thought it would. Fortunately for the Viodi View audience, many of my stories are captured with video so it is possible to see and hear directly from the people doing the action.…

  • Viodi View – 03/14/18

    Viodi View – 03/14/18

    It is easy to write that one has the choice in how they react in the face of a tragedy, but it is humbling and inspirational to see people consciously choosing love when the easy path would be negative or destructive emotions. It took several social media posts from IPTV pioneer Ryan Petty before it…

  • Give Us Visibility

    Give Us Visibility

    With over 650 telecommunications’ operators behind last week’s letter that was sent to the FCC and their elected representatives, the rural telecom industry is as united as it ever has been. In the words of the letter, “This letter is…clear and unambiguous notice of our collective concerns with the ‘regression analysis’ based caps on Universal…

  • Viodi View – 09/01/10

    Connections, the television series from the late 1970s tied together seemingly disparate historical events and inventions and showed how history isn’t the linear progression it would seem; sort of a story of unintended consequences. As I traveled about since the previous issue of the Viodi View, I kept thinking about the unintended consequences that the…

  • Viodi View – 08/18/10

    Next Sponsorship Opportunity with WSTA Fall Conference With school starting (in some cases having already started), summer feels like it is over. The tradition of Labor Day marking the end of summer has gone by the wayside in most places, with the school year being the mark against which I measure. August has become the…

  • Viodi View – 08/04/10

    Change was in the air at last week’s OPASTCO Summer 2010 Convention. From the changing technology, that is moving things to an all-broadband pipe, to the disintermediation of legacy services to the FCC’s National Broadband Plan, change was an underlying theme of the four-day event. The FCC’s National Broadband Plan was the source of much…