Tag: open source
Future of Networking: Pica8 Open Networking OS/Protocol Stacks on Bare Metal Switches
Disclaimer: The author has no business relationship with Pica8 or any of the companies he interviews or writes about. Introduction: Tired of all the SDN and network virtualization hype? And that “open” networking has morphed into the new term for “closed, vendor proprietary boxes with a bit of user programmability?” So are we! That’s why…
A Boon for IPTV Operators? – GoogleTV’s Acquisition of Widevine
Access to mainstream programming is one obvious reason Google purchased Widevine (announced on 12/3). With Widevine’s well-respected content protection system it should follow that the major TV brands will release their product in one form or another to a GoogleTV offering. With Widevine, Google could allow the content owners to set their own rules for…