Tag: open source

  • Assessment of Open Networking, Bare Metal Switches, White Boxes, and NFVi

    Assessment of Open Networking, Bare Metal Switches, White Boxes, and NFVi

    The Vision and Reality of Open Networking: From 2012 to at least 2016, there was tremendous industry buzz about disaggregation of the network switch, transport equipment, and network appliances. Many industry “experts” and stock market analysts said that purpose-built hardware would be replaced by “open network” software running on commodity “white boxes” and “bare metal…

  • Future of Networking: Pica8 Open Networking OS/Protocol Stacks on Bare Metal  Switches

    Future of Networking: Pica8 Open Networking OS/Protocol Stacks on Bare Metal Switches

    Disclaimer: The author has no business relationship with Pica8 or any of the companies he interviews or writes about. Introduction: Tired of all the SDN and network virtualization hype? And that “open” networking has morphed into the new term for “closed, vendor proprietary boxes with a bit of user programmability?” So are we! That’s why…

  • A Boon for IPTV Operators? – GoogleTV’s Acquisition of Widevine

    A Boon for IPTV Operators? – GoogleTV’s Acquisition of Widevine

    Access to mainstream programming is one obvious reason Google purchased Widevine (announced on 12/3). With Widevine’s well-respected content protection system it should follow that the major TV brands will release their product in one form or another to a GoogleTV offering. With Widevine, Google could allow the content owners to set their own rules for…