Tag: order
3G and LTE squeeze WiMAX- is the market window still open?
Summary: Many pundits have declared the window of opportunity for WiMAX has closed. Squeezed between he enhanced capability of 3G technologies (e.g. HSPA/HSPA+ for GSM) and accelerated LTE roll-outs, (notably Verizon Wireless) the claim is that WiMAX is DOA. We disagree! In particular, we believe there is a reasonable market for WiMAX fixed and nomadic/portable service…
ACLU Northern CA: Cloud Computing- Storm Warning for Privacy?
Summary: In a February 10th presentation at SCU, ACLU-Northern CA Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Director Nicole Ozler warned that Cloud Computing could compromise privacy rights of its users. The problem is that since the information stored in "the cloud" is not in your office or data center, it may not be considered as your…
Back to the Future – Software as a Service & Managed Services
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a popular Web 2.0 buzzword. It struck me at NTCA’s panel, Software as a Service: Creating New Revenue Channels, that Independent Telcos have been providing a sort of Software as a Service, really a Managed Service since their inception. Independent Telcos are starting to add on Software as a…
A Broadband Stimulus – A Chance for Something to Pass in Short Order?
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had a good article on the prospects for a near-term broadband stimulus plan. The article referenced a Free Press proposal for a 3 year, $44 Billion broadband stimulus plan. This plan just might have a chance, as it has elements that equipment vendors could embrace and incumbent carriers would like. For…
TIE Wireless SIG Panel: Mobility 2009: Setting the Stage for a New Order?
Abstract: The TIE Wireless Special Interest Group (SIG) held their annual review and outlook meeting on December 11th in Santa Clara. This article highlights key points, observations and take aways from the panel session. 2008 marked a milestone year for the mobile industry worldwide, with the launch of the Apple Appstore, Google’s Android, the mainstreaming…