
FCC 700 MHz Auction Postscript: Big loss for US Wireless Network Competition

Abstract:   We have previously opined that the highly touted 700 MHz auction was a win for the U.S. government (almost $20B was raised) and Google (open access rules for C block w/o spending a dime).  Yet it was a big loss for public safety.    Based on a post auction spectrum analysis from a […]


Cleaning Products – No, It’s Web 2.0 Technologies

Martin Taylor, Vice President of Product Management and Technology for MetaSwitch, gave an excellent overview of XML and its ascent as the standard for machine-to-machine interface in the telephony world. XML allows for a mash-up of applications, such as the obligatory caller ID on television. Combining XML data with Asynchronous JavaScript is AJAX, which allows updating of […]


July 1st, 2008 – Do or Die for IPTV?

The FCC finally issued an order for operators requesting waivers with regards to separable security.   The 25+ operators requesting one of the waivers were given until February 17th, 2009 to move to an all-digital system.  The interesting thing is that IPTV operators, although inherently all-digital, are going to have to offer a separable security solution […]