Tag: sdn
Is Lifecycle Services Orchestration (LSO) Ready for Large Scale Deployments & Where?
By Alan J Weissberger and Kaustubha Parkhi Introduction: MEF is developing LSO (Lifecycle Services Orchestration) specifications in order to automate the entire lifecycle for services orchestrated across multiple provider networks and multiple technology domains within a single provider network. LSO, with open APIs, enables network service providers to transition from a silo-structured BSS/OSS approach towards…
Viodi View – 02/17/17
Bridging Silicon Valley and the Heartland At the end of last month, in one of his first announcements as the new FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, made a call for nominations for a new advisory committee. The aim of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee is to “provide advice and recommendations to the Commission on how to accelerate…
Viodi View – 12/12/16
Carrier Network Virtualization Becoming Real The shift from purpose-built to white-box hardware with network functions enabled by software is building momentum, based on the presentations and demonstrations at the Carrier Network Virtualization conference. Featuring speakers and attendees from carriers and providers, such as AT&T, Google, NTT and Vodafone, this multi-day conference provided an excellent overview of…
HOTi Summary Part II. SDN & NFV Impact on Interconnects & Cloud Orchestration Lacking
Introduction: This article summarizes the HOTi August 26th keynote presentation from SDx Central’s Roy Chua. The impact of SDN, NFV and other Software Defined WAN/ open networking schemes on Interconnects (for intra-Data Center (DC) communications) are described along with Roy’s conclusions. Mr. Chua described the emerging trends, hot topics and the impact SDe will have on interconnect…
2016 Open Networking Summit: Open Source Rules, But Are There Too Many Choices?
Introduction: For its first few years, the Open Networking Summit (ONS) focused on pure SDN – strict separation of control and data planes, centralized SDN controller computing routes for hundreds of “packet forwarding engines” in its domain and OpenFlow as the southbound API/protocol used between control and data planes. Overlay networks (a logical network mapped…