Tag: technology

  • EV Charging Batters My Self-Esteem

    EV Charging Batters My Self-Esteem

    The true tale of EV range anxiety in Texas that could have been alleviated with fast EV chargers and a much simpler payment system.

  • Viodi View – 11/03/14

    Viodi View – 11/03/14

    Taking care of their own, finding and nurturing local talent and giving back to the community sets the San Francisco Giants apart from other professional sports organizations, to paraphrase one of the many speakers at the boisterous parade held for the improbable 2014 World Series Champions. It was also said that this sort of event is one…

  • Highlights of “How Google Works” at the Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley

    Highlights of “How Google Works” at the Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley

    Introduction: Google is well-known for its unique philosophy, culture and innovative spirit. From Android smart phones/tablets, wearable devices to self-driving cars, Google continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with technology. On October 2, 2014, Eric Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman and Former CEO, joined co-author and Google Advisor Jonathan Rosenberg to discuss “How Google…

  • Peter Thiel – the Ultimate Enigma- at Commonwealth Club Event

    Peter Thiel – the Ultimate Enigma- at Commonwealth Club Event

    Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, VC/hedge fund manager and author of Zero to One, was interviewed by NY Times’ Quentin Hardy on Sept 30, 2014 at the Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley event in Santa Clara, CA.   While I agreed with several things Mr. Thiel said, he seems to be a man of many contradictions.  Hardy…

  • Stanford President John Hennessy Educating SBU Alumni on Broad Range of Topics

    Stanford President John Hennessy Educating SBU Alumni on Broad Range of Topics

    Moderator’s Comment: I would like to express my utmost gratitude to Professor Hennessy for our 1 hr 35 minute conversation on March 2, 2014, at the SBU Alumni Northern California meeting in Palo Alto, CA.  The Professor treated the audience to an enlightening seminar on many diverse and interesting topics that spanned education, technology and…

  • Viodi View – 10/04/13

    Unique Communities Bonded by Broadband You have seen one rural community and you haven’t seen them all. I have found that to be the case in my travels through rural America. Each locale has a unique story. So often one find things that are unexpected (like a town that is home to a company that…