Viodi View

Viodi View – 01/21/23

From a personal perspective, the most memorable part of CES2023 was spending the week with Dr. Alain Kornhauser and Dr. Elizabeth Monroe. Princeton Professor Kornhauser brings his perspective to several of the Viodi interviews at CES2023 as seen below. One of the highlights was our ride in a teleoperated (look ma, no hands) rental car […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment CES2023

The Puppy Dog Rental Car – A Bridge to Autonomy

Once upon a time, an enterprising car rental business shook up the car rental industry by delivering the vehicle to the customer. It was no longer necessary for the customer to find someone to give her a ride to an often inconveniently located car rental lot across town. With this model, the car rental lot […]