Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Robots

Extending the Shopkeeper’s Reach with an Unattended, All-Wheel Drive Robot #CES2023

With the introduction of the Ottobot Yeti, Ottonomy is helping shopkeepers, grocery stores, and restaurateurs extend their business into their respective neighborhoods. These modular four-wheel drive electric robots allow for the delivery of goods in snowy and icy conditions that would make it difficult for even the most spry among us to navigate. This latest generation […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Electric Vehicles Robots Smart Cities

Coordinating Robots Across Town and Across Country

Almost a year ago, Bern Grush warned that cities weren’t ready for sidewalk robots. This was reinforced a few months ago in a post on a neighborhood social media site where some pretty funny comments were made about an unexpected little robot plying the streets. In this neighborhood, like many, the sidewalk infrastructure is decrepit […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment

Orchestrating Multiple Transportation Modes in Boring Places and Familiar Streets, Paths, & Sidewalks

Transportation and communications networks are really one and the same. Instead of transporting invisible bits like telecom, mobility networks have to carry bottoms and boxes. Another parallel between these two types of networks is the need for orchestration to manage the different types of traffic and, potentially, different service providers.1 In the above interview, Bern […]