Tag: web
Viodi View – 04/17/2009
Security is a state of mind. It can be somewhat an abstract concept until it is pierced by some criminal act. Once breached, there are constant reminders, whether in the form of taller fences or long security lines, of the vulnerability we face due to unsavory actors . We had a recent event on the…
Viodi View -04/03/2009
The first time I got serious about using a personal digital assistant was something that Atari produced some 20 years ago. This was before the term PDA was coined. I bought it because somehow I thought it would make me smarter or, at least, better organized. It did neither and it was soon relegated to…
WCA Panel Session: Femtocells and their consequences for Mobile Broadband Technologies
Background: Femtocells are low power 3G/4G cellular base stations which can be thought of as wireless Access Points (AP’s). Instead of a WiFi Access Point we’re all familiar with, a femtocell could be a UMTS, CDMA/EVDO, LTE, or Mobile WiMAX Access Point, depending on the underlying mobile network technology. The bi-directional voice and data traffic is…
A Tale of 2 Meetings: Mobile Telecom in Crisis
1. SVC Wireless March 10th Meeting: Mobile in Crisis- How to Survive and Thrive through the Economic Tsunami With the current credit crisis, economic meltdown, and stock market crash, both business and individuals are facing significant challenges: Big corporations are cutting cost and downsizing workforce while startups are struggling with shrinking market and drying capital…