Viodi View – 10/20/14

The melding of broadband and the cloud with the physical world; the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) will be bigger than the Internet. The resulting creative destruction caused by this next wave will be even bigger than what the Internet has caused over the past 20 years. Scroll to the bottom to learn about a presentation with one thought-leader on what happens when broadband, the cloud and sensors combine with mobility. It feels like we are at the beginning of something similar to where the Internet was about two decades ago.

The Behind the Scenes History of the Computer History Museum

Alan Weissberger leads a panel discussion with John Hollar and Len Shustek of the Computer History Museum.
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The West Coast version of a Smithsonian is one way to characterize the Computer History Museum (CHM) in Mountain View, CA. This was one of many take-aways from an excellent discussion of this Silicon Valley institution with CHM president and CEO, John Hollar, and CHM chairman, Len Shustek. Organized and moderated by IEEE Silicon Valley Technology History Committee Chairman, Alan Weissberger, this panel covered a wide-range of topics from computer history to how the Computer History Museum is providing computer learning opportunities to disadvantaged youth.

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Sprint to Shut Down WiMAX Service ~Nov 6, 2015 by Alan Weissberger

Cell Tower
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At long last, Sprint has confirmed it will be turning off of its WiMAX service on or around November 6th, 2015.  That’s a little over 1 year for owners of WiMAX mobile devices (including laptops with WiMax cards/dongles) to switch to LTE .  WiMAX mobile devices will still work in 3G mode after that, but one doesn’t buy a 4G device or interface to use it in 3G mode, especially after a few years of ownership. Alan predicted this sort of outcome years ago.

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OTT to TV for the Independents: a BroadbandVision Show Report by Kshitij Kumar

Shirley Bloomfield of NTCA interviews Jeff Gardner of Windstream at NTCA.
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The BroadbandVision 2014 show, while smaller than the TelcoTV show that used to be held for a similar audience until last year , the BroadbandVision show was nonetheless fairly well attended and continued the tradition of being a wealth of good information. One much discussed topic was Over-The-Top Television (OTT TV) and the ability to bring OTT video to all screens.

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Exchanging Ideas and Content

An image of Roger Bindl's behind the brew at The Video Exchange's booth at the 2014 BrooadbandVision Conference.
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“We all need content. We all need a platform for that,” said Edward Hinson of the video exchange. The video exchange was created by Skyline Membership Corporation, a North Carolina Communications Service Provider, to address the challenge of providing enough fresh, quality content for its local content channel. The video exchange made its debut at the 2014 BroadbandVision conference, intends on being the marketplace for independent content that Viodi has been advocating for, for years.

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Dish Soap Enabling Deeper Fiber

Ken Pyle interviews Mark Davis of Deep Fiber Solutions at SCTE 2014.
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Imagine if cable companies had put in micro-ducts years ago when they installed coaxial cable. Instead of waiting for sometimes months or years for permits and extensive engineering, cable providers would be able to react to opportunities and competitive threats by installing fiber deeper into their networks via already installed ducts. Deep Fiber Solution’s Executive Vice President of Technology and Business Development, Mark Davis, describes the process for how they turn an ordinary coaxial cable into a fiber duct.

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A Pioneer For Its Customers

Catherine Moyer, GM of Pioneer Communications, discussing their use of Google Apps at the 2014 NTCA Fall Conference.
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“It was a long-term solution,” said Catherine Moyer, General Manager of Pioneer Communications, a Communications Service Provider (CSP) serving rural Western Kansas. Moyer was referring to their decision to offer its customers the Google platform for email and associated applications via the Google Apps Partners Edition™ program. They chose the platform both because of its quality, as well as the stature of the company; that is, they expected Google and its offering to be available for its customers for the long haul.

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Some Tweets and Short Thoughts:

The Korner – Autonomous Vehicle View – Blurred Lines 

The graphic illustrates how Virtual Personal Assistants could work in the background to facilitate human relationships.
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The cloud is blurring the lines between things that were once disparate. This was the high-level message provided by renowned automobile designer, Michael Robinson, as he gave his vision of the future at the Belron 2014 conference. With 24,000 employees, Belron is the world’s largest dedicated glass repair and replacement company. And, of course, the Belron senior managers in attendance were interested in Robinson’s message about the autonomous car, as he has pondered the significance of the transition of the automobile to automatic-mobility (as he puts it) for decades.

With his perspective as a hall of fame car designer, Robinson says that the automobile ecosystem must embrace providing an experience for its  customers and go beyond selling products. He shares a concern this author has heard from many that removing the steering wheel will take away the fun of driving. He suggests that the paradigm shift caused by autonomy offers many new opportunities to turn this negative into something exciting; different from what we know today, but exciting (think motorcycles as a wearable, for instance).

Click here to view his must- watch talk.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor





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