Viodi View – 12/08/18

The Americans with Disabilities Act, championed by the late President Bush, has removed barriers and improved the lives of people of all abilities. For instance, who doesn’t appreciate the utility of a door with levered handles that allow one to open by simply pushing with their gluteus maximus while carrying a young child and bag of groceries? Naysayers, such as myself, were concerned that the costs might outweigh the benefits, but what we forgot is that technology innovation and a wealthy economy could turn a negative into a positive. See the Korner, below, for a simple material that could help improve the quality of life for both the sighted and visually impaired.

Switch the Script to You Deserve #TIS18

Frank Luntz talks about the importance of how language is used at #TIS18.
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“Switch the script…so that you are focused on the customer,” implores Dr. Frank Luntz. Luntz, well-known for his astute political commentary and polling, provides sage marketing advice to the operators at the 2018 Independent Show. He stresses that operators focus on the needs of the customers, instead of focusing on their products. Luntz gives his educated view about the differences in how Millennials see the world and what it means to ISPs from a workforce perspective.

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DC5G 2018 Conference Offers Primer on Benefits and Challenges of 5G Deployment by Steve Pastorkovich

A picture from the DC5G conference courtesy of Steve Pastorkovich.
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Nearly 300 attendees gathered in Washington, D.C. November 12 and 13 for the second annual DC5G Conference. With no shortage of announcements of initial and planned launches of various versions of 5G service cropping up among major service providers (for example, AT&T and Verizon), the conference took a comprehensive view of how the 5G marketplace is shaping up, and offered a primer of several aspects regarding 5G deployment. A wide array of stakeholders were represented, including carriers, device manufacturers, municipalities, financial experts and more, who shared their perspectives on the current and near-term status of all things 5G.

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Fit and Forget & Many More Ways the World Is Changing #IDTechEx

Dr. Peter Harrop and his vision at IDTechEx Show!
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Roads that generate electricity, solar-powered planes that stay up for weeks at a time as virtual cell towers and electricity storage that is a part of a structure are the types of things that Dr. Peter Harrop sees in the not-too-distant future.¹ Harrop, the Chairman of the Board of IDTechEx, brings a unique, informed and practical perspective to how the world is changing, as his experience includes being the former Director of Technology of Plessey Capacitors Scotland and Chief Executive Officer of Mars Electronics. To the naysayers of mobility electrification and alternative power generation, he suggests that they are acting like those who suggested the cell phone could never replace the landline.

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The Efficient, Smart & Instant Domicile

7D Printed House from PassivDom as shown at the IDTechEx Conference in Santa Clara.
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A self-contained house that doesn’t require a foundation or connection to the electrical grid and that is 20x more energy-efficient than traditional construction techniques is the promise of PassivDom’s, smart home. Those construction techniques include 3D-printing of the walls using special polymer composite materials, plug and play design and robotic assembly, yielding build-times of about five to six weeks.

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ViodiTV’s YouTube Channel

AiFi Real-time augmented reality of a moving person - wow
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Here are some videos that didn’t make it to the Viodi View website, but that are on

Subscribe to ViodiTV’s YouTube channel for more videos, like the ones above, that will be released between now and CES2019.

Some Tweets and Short Thoughts:

  • @mjsdado3 “Why does @Forbes think that “the biggest holdup to autonomous driving remains the insurance industry”. @MunichRe_US and others are insuring them today. What insurance issues holding up any project?”
  • @Light_Reading “Exclusive: Early 5G Network Gear Won’t ‘Talk’ to Device Chipsets.” Echos what @ajwdct has been saying for a long time.
  • @Viodi This autonomous approach to farming in the Fargo area seems like a natural fit for @702com.

The Korner – Smart Paint – Giving Autonomy to Cars and People

Smart paint and a transmitter/detector that makes it mart at the 2018 SmartDrivingCar Summit.
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Princeton’s Dr. Alain Kornhauser has often emphasized the importance of good signage and road paint to help improve autonomous vehicle guidance. As he points out, good markings are helpful for human drivers as well. It is right then that one of the exhibitors at Kornhauser’s 2018 SmartDrivingCar Summit demonstrated an additive that can integrate paint into the infrastructure of a smart city.

IntelligentMaterials’ approach also enables virtual truncated domes (the bumps that are the demarcation between sidewalks and streets) and offers potential cost savings and benefit to all people, compared to physical truncated domes.

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(and for those who prefer to listen, here is the audio version of the interview with IntelligentMaterials CTO.)

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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