Category: Networking

  • TechExpo Home Coming

    TechExpo Home Coming

    SCTE’s TechExpo may be the only thread that links the grand conferences of the past, such as the National and Western Cable shows, with the present and future. The excitement and buzz of the show floor had the feel of those conferences from the days of yore. As much as a show like TechExpo is…

  • New Sponsor Brings a Career Twist

    New Sponsor Brings a Career Twist

    The sponsor for this and future issues of the Viodi View and ViodiTV is the Broadband Forum. For those not familiar with the Broadband Forum (BBF), the mission of this 25+-year-old non-profit “is to unlock the potential for new markets and profitable revenue growth by leveraging new technologies and standards in the home, intelligent small…

  • Broadband Built Block-by-Block by Blockchain – Part 2 – 5G

    Broadband Built Block-by-Block by Blockchain – Part 2 – 5G

    “What Helium has created in this blockchain is truly a unique incentive. That is, the only incentive of its kind that can start a wireless network creation model without a lot of money. It is pretty cheap and simple to do. And, that hasn’t been done before…..It is something that can apply to all wireless…

  • Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing – Right Now

    Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing – Right Now

    “Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm, And nothing falls into place” Van Halen, circa 1991, Right Now Van Halen’s insight about timing and seizing the moment in its song, Right Now, is a great metaphor for the current situation with PNT. As background, the most prevalent source of PNT, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, is…

  • Is Lifecycle Services Orchestration (LSO) Ready for Large Scale Deployments & Where?

    Is Lifecycle Services Orchestration (LSO) Ready for Large Scale Deployments & Where?

    By Alan J Weissberger and Kaustubha Parkhi Introduction: MEF is developing LSO (Lifecycle Services Orchestration) specifications in order to automate the entire lifecycle for services orchestrated across multiple provider networks and multiple technology domains within a single provider network. LSO, with open APIs, enables network service providers to transition from a silo-structured BSS/OSS approach towards…

  • Assessment of Open Networking, Bare Metal Switches, White Boxes, and NFVi

    Assessment of Open Networking, Bare Metal Switches, White Boxes, and NFVi

    The Vision and Reality of Open Networking: From 2012 to at least 2016, there was tremendous industry buzz about disaggregation of the network switch, transport equipment, and network appliances. Many industry “experts” and stock market analysts said that purpose-built hardware would be replaced by “open network” software running on commodity “white boxes” and “bare metal…