Tag: 4g
Clearwire to disclose Developer Opportunities with CLEAR WiMAX 4G
IEEE ComSoc SCV is very fortunate to have two influential Clearwire professionals speak at our Feb 10th IEEE ComSoc-SCV meeting in Santa Clara (logistics and other details at www.comsocscv.org). The topic is: Developer Opportunities with CLEAR WiMAX 4G Abstract: Mobile WiMAX as provided by Clearwire (the CLEAR network) is also available from Sprint, Comcast, and…
What will extend 3G networks- topology tricks or price and policy controls?
We’ve previously written that "the pump is primed for mobile broadband, " but investments in next-generation networks will be needed to deliver on the true promise of the mobile internet experience. While we still believe that, we now offer an alternate hypotesis. That the 4G mobile Internet is many years away. After some investigation and a…