Tag: audio

  • Viodi View – 06/23/14

    Viodi View – 06/23/14

    My aha moment from last week’s SMPTE ETIA Conference was triggered by the FCC’s Matthew DelNero’s excellent presentation on the history and status of Net Neutrality. That is, and it’s something that has been said for years by many experts, the entire telecom legal and regulatory morass needs to be simplified and flattened in a…

  • Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Do You Hear What I Hear?

    [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”200px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Although he didn’t mention any commercial designs for the metadata that is inherent in such a signature, it is not hard to imagine the value of hearing loss metadata to Amazon.  [/dropshadowbox]Some 80% of those with hearing loss do not use a hearing aid, according to Philip Hilmes of…

  • Music for the Living Room and Beyond – A Look at MOG

    Does technology drive us apart? This was an interesting question posed in a Rockline interview with the Wilson sisters of the rock band Heart. With MP3 players, game devices and smart phones, people may be connected, but, as Stephen Stills might say, not necessarily connected with the ones they are with. The timing of last…

  • Viodi View – 02/06/08 Issue

    The Super Bowl, Super Tuesday and Mardi Gras are behind us. Lots of hype, excitement and, even some substance, associated with these events. With Mardi Gras, there is no substitution for being there. The super events, however, are better on television and even better when augmented with broadband. The intersection of broadband and television and the way these media…