The Super Bowl, Super Tuesday and Mardi Gras are behind us. Lots of hype, excitement and, even some substance, associated with these events. With Mardi Gras, there is no substitution for being there. The super events, however, are better on television and even better when augmented with broadband. The intersection of broadband and television and the way these media can reinforce each other was a central theme of last week’s NATPE conference.
Some of the buzz from CES was regarding the number of content providers with a serious presence at a tech show. There was one prominent tech supplier, that wasn’t at CES, but was at NATPE showing off their content production and distribution tools. |
20 to 30% of the Views Outside their DMA
The intersection of the February 17, 2009 DTV transition and the broadband video revolution and the ensuing business model disruptions was a recurring topic at NATPE. It is clear from the presentations that the broadcast networks are striving to adapt to changing business models, as evidenced by the amount of content that is available on broadband and the number of new “channels” they are developing. The local broadcasters face a larger struggle, as network broadband video threatens to cannibalize their audience share.
5% Off-Air After the DTV Transition?
Jeff Zucker, President and CEO of NBC-Universal hearkened back to a NATPE speech some 13 years ago given by his predecessor, Bob Wright, who suggested that NBC was not in the television business, but instead was in the video-in-the-home business. Today, Zucker added to that by saying that NBC is in both the video-in-the-home and video-out-of-the-home businesses. Click here to read more.
Pop-Up Lost – A Brilliant Move
Normally, it is easy to work and watch TV at the same time. The dialogue typically carries the shows my wife programs on the DVR. To bring people up to speed on the serial drama Lost, ABC is replaying the final episode from last year. Instead of a stale rerun, the producer added…..Click here to read more.
Redefining SIP for TV
Will Richmond of VideoNuze wrote a good article as to how people are consuming media differently than in years past. He gives an example of how a not-so geeky friend of his is using his new HDTV monitor to consume multiple media types (video, text and audio) from multiple sources (e.g. the PC, Internet, cable, games, etc). Click here to read more.
Show Me: Marketing With Video on the Internet – The Viodi Book Review
“Before long, video on a website will be an expectation, not just an edge,” writes Jessica Kizorek in her new book, Show Me: Marketing With Video on the Internet. This book provides a strong argument that video is becoming something that needs to be an innate part of virtually any business. Just as the web used to be only for high technology companies, video has gone beyond the traditional studios and producers to encompass all kinds of businesses. Click here to read the entire review.
FCC Updates from Robert Primosch
The FCC updates are from our friend Bob Primosch, who is a Partner with the communications law firm Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, Washington, D.C. ([email protected] ([email protected]) ):
Primosch writes that, “It looks like it will be a very busy year for the video side. The FCC is targeting content-related issues on a variety of fronts — cable systems (including those operated by telcos) and program suppliers will be affected, perhaps substantially.”
“As they say in the TV business, stay tuned.”
Animation Software – Toon Boom Studio 4 by Roger Bindl
I found what I was looking for in Toon Boom animation software, so I’m fairly impressed with it. The initial learning curve was slightly steep, although in reflection I realize I also struggled initially with Flash. The key difference with Studio 4 is that it accomplished two tasks that I was struggling with in Flash. One task was to create pivot points so arms and legs moved properly when I bent them at the elbow or knee. Click here the read more.
Independent Telco Local Content – A Brief Overview
Ken Pyle discusses the keys to local content success in this presentation that was given at OPASTCO’s 2008 Winter Convention. This video “compresses” a 25 minute live presentation into about 5 minutes. That’s part of the power of video. Thanks to ETC 3, SCTV19 and Ringgold Telephone for the use of their videos. Click here to view.
Don’t Like Your Content Choices? Make Some of Your OwnViodi’s Local Content Workshop at Inland Telephone – Feb. 26th, 2008 – Roslyn, WA |
This Isn’t Hot Air……. by Roger Bindl
Roger Bindl makes his annual trek to the Hudson Valley Hot Air Affair. His quest to document these soaring bags of hot air has fallen short in past years. This event is more than about fun, however, as it is also about bringing a community together and the ensuing economic development. So, watch here to see whether Roger was successful in his oft-tried attempts to film this Midwest funfest. Click here to view.
NATPE – Technology Driving Content or Visa-Versa
The pace of change in the content world is picking up thanks to the underlying forces of technology that is driving content distribution and advertising models. Unlike their peers in the music industry, the video producers and content owners represented at the National Assocation of Television Programming Executives get that the world is changing and are embracing the Internet as a way to bring content to any device.
From an independent telco perspective, this is good and bad. Must be a Club Viodi member to read the rest of this article. Club Viodi membership is restricted to independent telcos.
Other Club Viodi postings since the previous issue.
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- Great Airfare Deal to Roslyn, WA for the Local Content Workshop – Airfare Deal Ends today
The Korner – On the Road – Some Dream, Some Do #
For a number of years, I have had a not-so-secret dream of organizing a ViodiTV across America tour. In this dream, Roger and I would travel with our families visiting independent telcos and filming and documenting stories from the heartland. Sponsors would support our efforts through things like banners on the sides of our respective recreational vehicles.
While I have been dreaming, some friends have been touring the country for real. Their reality is much bolder than my dream, as they are traveling both sponsor-free and job-free. About half way through a yearlong trip, they have proven to be adventurous beyond my dreams, as, for instance, they were in New Orleans this week for Mardi Gras. The most impressive thing about their excursion is they are home-schooling of their grade-school children. You can read their story and see their pictures on their blog.
Independent telcos, email me at ken dot pyle at viodi dot com to find out how this might be relevant to what you are doing.
[Note: We are in the middle of updating the Viodi website. Please be patient as we battle website gremlins.]
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