Tag: Greenville

  • SDC Day 3 – From Autonomous Rides to a Traveling Circus

    SDC Day 3 – From Autonomous Rides to a Traveling Circus

    Let the autonomous rides begin at Day 3 of the @SmartDrivingCar Summit. The mayor of Trenton & former Princeton Township mayor ride-sharing in this horizontal elevator demonstration. Assemblymember Dan Benson leading a roundtable at the morning @SmartDrivingCar Summit with a group of local leaders discussing the potential impact of Trenton MOVES on the region. The…

  • Making Driverless Happen – The Road Forward

    Making Driverless Happen – The Road Forward

    “It’s time to hit the start button,” is Fred Fishkin’s succinct way of summarizing the next steps in the Smart Driving Car journey. Fiskin, along with the LA Times’ Russ Mitchell co-produced the final session of the 2021 Smart Driving Car Summit, Making It Happen – Part 2. This 16th and final session in this…