Tag: Kornhauser

  • Viodi View – 07/15/23

    Viodi View – 07/15/23

    Cruise and Waymo passed the Kornhauser Proof-of-Technology version of the Turing Test (YouTube) last week. Princeton Professor Kornhauser explains that, if he closed his eyes, he would have found it difficult to differentiate between rides provided to him by those driverless companies and rides given by human drivers. He suggests that the next step is…

  • The Puppy Dog Rental Car – A Bridge to Autonomy

    The Puppy Dog Rental Car – A Bridge to Autonomy

    Once upon a time, an enterprising car rental business shook up the car rental industry by delivering the vehicle to the customer. It was no longer necessary for the customer to find someone to give her a ride to an often inconveniently located car rental lot across town. With this model, the car rental lot…

  • Viodi View – 05/31/22

    With two recent moves, Viodi has had the opportunity to experience the agony and joy of dealing with various broadband providers. From 8-hour service call windows to non-working fixed wireless to inappropriate marketing messages, it feels like there has been little progress in the almost 18 years since this comparison of the DSL and Cable…

  • Moving Forward with Trenton MOVES

    Dr. Alain Kornhauser’s vision of bringing equitable, sustainable, and affordable mobility to the people of Trenton took another step forward with the February 9th, 2022 announcement (Facebook) of a $5 million NJDOT Local Transportation Planning Fund Grant for the Trenton Mobility & Opportunity: Vehicles Equity System (MOVES) Project (PDF). The significance of this event goes…

  • Human Factors in Automation, DSRC vs. CV2X, Safety Leader & Market Leader – an Impromptu Mini-Panel

    Human Factors in Automation, DSRC vs. CV2X, Safety Leader & Market Leader – an Impromptu Mini-Panel

    An impromptu mini-panel blossoms in front of Viodi’s video camera at the World Safety Summit on Autonomous Technology, as Princeton’s Dr. Alain Kornhauser leads a discussion with Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology for the U.S. Department of Transportation. As with all conferences, some of the best learnings and tidbits are discovered…

  • Artists, Accessibility and Autonomous Vehicles – Part 2 #AVS18

    Artists, Accessibility and Autonomous Vehicles – Part 2 #AVS18

    A long-time proponent of autonomous taxis, Princeton Professor Dr Alain Kornhauser discusses a potential downside for this future mobility as a service offering. Speaking at the AVS18 Symposium, Kornhauser warns that operators will need to account for how people treat property they don’t own. In the above video, he provides many examples of graffiti-covered public…