With two recent moves, Viodi has had the opportunity to experience the agony and joy of dealing with various broadband providers. From 8-hour service call windows to non-working fixed wireless to inappropriate marketing messages, it feels like there has been little progress in the almost 18 years since this comparison of the DSL and Cable Modem installation process (see Cable Modem vs. DSL – From the San Francisco Bay to Tampa Bay). Stay tuned as there may be a future post about how some broadband service providers talk a good game about providing a good experience, but fall short of the expectations they set.
Smarter, Autonomous, & More Efficient Agriculture #CES2022
Although agricultural productivity may not improve at the rate of Moore’s law, its consistent increases in output have proven Malthusian predictions wrong. Agriculture innovation continues as evidenced by the new product offerings shown at the John Deere pavilion at CES2022.
Joseph Wei on the 2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (YouTube)
It was a treat to catch up with Joseph Wei and hear him directly about the upcoming 2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference at Santa Clara University. Wei and his colleagues are putting together an event that will showcase different ways people are using technology to improve the human condition. Stay tuned for a second part regarding how he is using technology to promote this in-person and virtual event.
T-2 to the 5th Annual Smart Driving Cars Summit Launch
After a couple of years of virtual meetings, it will be great to see Princeton’s Alain Kornhauser and the all-star cast he and CARTS Executive Director, Jerry He, have put together for the 5th Annual SmartDrivingCars Summit. Kornhauser’s drive to help people who can’t drive is already making a difference. Stay tuned for coverage of the conference. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Alain getting ready for Thursday’s opening reception.

Some Tweets and Short Thoughts:
- The loss of independence from giving up driving is devastating for some older people. Of course, many people never have the privilege of driving. The #SmartDrivingCars Summit’s (6/2-6/4) focus is the use of #AutonomousVehicles to improve mobility for all.
- It was fun to film and edit a video for a friend and former neighbor who is campaigning for the San Jose city council. It was even more fun to see it has almost 1,500 views. It is also the first video featuring footage from the Viodi drone.
- It would really be nice if TVs worked as TVs, as evidenced by this desperate tweetstorm to Vizio support.
- Thanks to Steve Crowley for pointing out this application to the FCC for Special Temporary Authority to test a drone outfitted with a UWB (Ultra Wideband) radar. Apparently, it will be able to detect objects through brick walls.
The Korner – A Memorial to Clifford Alfred Pyle
He was the uncle his nephews and nieces never met. The one who towered over his siblings at a reported 6 foot 4 inches, but who never had the opportunity to have his own family. At just 19 years old, this Private First Class U.S. Marine made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of his country.
His immediate family has been gone for decades and there is scant information about this war hero.
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