Tag: Sensor

  • The Hidden, Low-Cost Radar that Sees Near and Far

    The Hidden, Low-Cost Radar that Sees Near and Far

    The sensor as part of the bumper, much the way skin on a human both protects and feels, is the concept behind what Plastic Omnium calls 4D Imaging radar. Developed in partnership with Greenerwave, Plastic Omnium’s approach promises greater resolution, at lower cost, while avoiding styling compromises often associated with traditional automobile sensors. Its solution…

  • The Integrated Driving Sensor – Far, Fast, and Precise

    The Integrated Driving Sensor – Far, Fast, and Precise

    The following YouTube videos and associated descriptions are from a recent interview with Behrooz Rezvani, Founder and CEO of Neural Propulsion Systems. It is clear that NPS is looking beyond the era of human driving, where up to 94% of crashes are caused by human misbehavior/error.  In the driverless era, insurance will shift from insuring…

  • The Adjustable High-Beam and More #CES2019

    The Adjustable High-Beam and More #CES2019

    Improving vehicle headlights for people will also improve the ability of autonomous vehicles to navigate the road. Kishore Ahuja, Senior Vice President of North American Light, Inc, discusses and shows how they are creating headlights that dynamically and automatically react to its environment (e.g. automatic brightness/dimming) and adjusts to the contours of the road (swivels…