Tag: vehicle

  • Nuts and Bolts of Electrification

    Nuts and Bolts of Electrification

    “The adoption of electric vehicles is widely happening,” stated IDTechEx Technology Analyst, Aman Atak. Evidence of this shift to electric is the build of the associated ecosystem, as well as the refinement of components and supply chain. Atak recaps the panel she had just moderated on this topic in the above video. The panelists did…

  • The Software Driven Vehicle

    The Software Driven Vehicle

    As simple and as safe as a car combined with the benefits of a motorcycle is what LIT Motors promises with its C-1 electric vehicle. With a projected range of almost 200 miles, a top speed of over 100 miles per hour and anticipated pricing in the mid-20 thousands (before tax credits), the C-1 (working name) has potential…