Tag: Zoox
ViodiTV’s View of Autonomous Shuttles at #CES2023
With recent layoffs, questionable return on investment, and public pushback in some places, it seems like the dream of robot-driven vehicles will remain a dream.1 That may not be the case, however, as some credible and long-established entities displayed electric, autonomous, shared shuttles at CES2023.2 These shuttles share a mission to serve as a complement…
Viodi View – 01/21/23
From a personal perspective, the most memorable part of CES2023 was spending the week with Dr. Alain Kornhauser and Dr. Elizabeth Monroe. Princeton Professor Kornhauser brings his perspective to several of the Viodi interviews at CES2023 as seen below. One of the highlights was our ride in a teleoperated (look ma, no hands) rental car…
Zoox – Slow and Steady Road to Autonomy – #CES2023
The fable goes that the tortoise beat the hare in its race by its slow and steady pace. Slow and steady is the approach that Zoox is taking to achieve safe and sustainable autonomous mobility. In the above interview, filmed at CES2023, Paul Escobar, Senior Public Policy & Safety Strategy Manager for Zoox, describes how…