Video Opportunities With ViodiTV

Banner imageHave you gone beyond broadband to leverage your network with video content and seen the Possibilities of IP?

ViodiTV at events like IP Possibilities is a great opportunity for generating video content for vendors and telco's to use in demonstrating, promoting, and reaching out to your TV and on-line audience. Roger and Ken bring these possibilities to sponsors of ViodiTV during events at a cost of nearly a third of what you'd normally pay. We're able to do this because we're a "experienced" crew of two doing the work of many… producer, interview host, videographer, video editor, audio (including royalty free music), special effects with animation, distribution, and publishing on-line or on TV.

Contact Roger Bindl for more information. Video opportunities await you at this next event. Viodi has been producing event coverage video's, interviews, and educational/promotional content since 2002.

Author Roger Bindl






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